Hyperrhiz 13

Animating Imaginary Worlds: A Digital-Meets-Handmade Animation Workshop Kit

Lynn Tomlinson
Towson University

Diane Kuthy
Towson University

Citation: Tomlinson, Lynn and Diane Kuthy. “Animating Imaginary Worlds: A Digital-Meets-Handmade Animation Workshop Kit.” Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, no. 13, 2015. doi:10.20415/hyp/013.w03

Abstract: This DIY animation workshop "kit" includes lessons in the principles of animation movement; tutorials for using the OSnap! app; step-by-step guides for creating hinged cut-out puppets; historical examples and inspiration for cut-out animation; ideas for developing narrative and thematic structures; and some sample films from completed workshops.


About This Kit

Slides: Step-by-step guides for animating Imaginary Worlds

Video Tutorial: Using the OSnap! App for Animation

Contextual Essay: Imaginary Worlds

Video: Student animated films, Imaginary Worlds Part I and Imaginary Worlds Part II.

Wordpress Site: Animate Imaginary Worlds

Pinterest Site: gathering ideas for making textured papers